The EQWiki - Your source for random EverQuest knowledge
This page contains information on how to adjust and test the performance of the game to get it running as well possible.
- Windowed, Max-Clip/Actor (eqgame 2009-01-08 19-05-08-98)
- 11813, 221663, 27, 104, 53.293 / Mem 907
- Full-Screen, advanced max (eqgame 2009-01-08 19-20-27-53)
- 8013, 219564, 6, 103, 36.495 / Mem 945
- Full-Screen, advanced min (eqgame 2009-01-08 19-25-22-26)
- 16290, 219583, 49, 118, 74.186 / Mem 944
- WinEQ -- eqgame 2009-01-08 19-36-50-39 -- 15822, 220889, 45, 113, 71.629 / Mem 870
- Mem 638 - Hatchery advanced min
- WinEQ mem 622/ 870